News & Announcements

Briana Torres sits behind a desk in Burk Hall, room 153 with a smile on her face. For Torres, a work-study student for the Veteran Services department at SF State, her work is more than just a school job. She’s the daughter of a Vietnam veteran.
Her experience with military life drove her to become an advocate, ally and resource for veterans across campus. “My dad served in the U.S. Marine Corps for 21 years, so I’m passionate about this,” she said, ushering Mike Young through the doorway of Vets Corner, a place for veterans, dependents and active-duty military members in the SF State community to hang out, meet new people, get support and even maybe do a little homework.
Young is the president of VETS at SFSU, the student organization dedicated to supporting SF State’s veteran, dependent and active-duty military community. Torres serves as his vice president in addition to her duties with Veteran Services.
“I served in the U.S. Marine Corps for approximately eight years,” Young said, pointing out the wall of vibrant flags above a cork board adorned with military patches and regalia from fellow student veterans. “I love hanging out here. I recently met a woman in her 70s whose husband served. She’s coming back to school. I learned a lot about life from her.”
He would never have met her if it weren’t for Vets Corner.
Veterans Corner is a collaboration between Veteran Services and VETS at SFSU. The two groups have opened the doors of rooms 153 and 155 on Burk Hall’s first floor to veterans in the University community as a meeting place, a safe space to connect and a place to gather resources. They even help with job opportunities and mental health resources, but above all they hope students from military backgrounds can connect and find pride in community.
“This is a fun space, a safe space for us,” Torres said.
Learn more about Veteran Services, Vets Corner and VETS at SFSU at SF State News.

The School of Theatre and Dance continues its in-person programming and performances with a production of “Doubt: A Parable” by John Patrick Shanley. Winner of a Pulitzer Prize for Drama in 2005, this play explores the tension, religious uncertainty and whirlwind of emotions at a Catholic boy’s school. The performances will be held at the Little Theater Dec. 1 – 9.
“Doubt: A Parable” takes place In 1964 at an all-boys Catholic parish school in the Bronx. Sister Aloysius, principal of the parish school, is certain there is a secret circulating after smelling alcohol on the breath of one of her students. But her suspicion is not enough when the situation pertains to the parish priest and his possible victim, the school’s first black student. With nothing but her moral certainty and faith that God will help her see the truth, Sister Aloysius plans with a young teacher to find the answers.
Tickets are $5 for students, $8 general admission. Go to Simpletix to buy tickets, see showtimes or learn more.

SF State is one of 16 campuses to win a new COMPASS award from the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM). The funds will help establish the Inclusive Pathways for Stem Cell Scholars (iPSCS) Undergraduate Training Program to prepare undergraduate students for the stem cell workforce, with a focus on students interested in alterative career paths outside of graduate or medical school. CIRM is awarding $46 million in grants, $2.9 million of which is going to SF State. The program will be led by Professor of Biology Lily Chen.
Over the next five years, 25 scholars will be awarded two-year fellowships. Students will participate in inclusive courses that cover molecular, cell and developmental biology and data science and feature training opportunities in entrepreneurship and the ethical conduct of the scientific and professional workforce. The program’s goal is to increase the number of University undergraduates from underrepresented communities in stem cell biology, regenerative medicine and allied fields.
A new version of the SF State website homepage went live Friday, Nov. 4, as part of the transition of all University webpages from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8. The new page was designed to streamline the user experience, especially for students and potential students. The result is a faster webpage with improved readability and search engine optimization.
More website improvements are in the works. Have ideas about how the University can make its web presence more engaging and effective? Share your thoughts via a Qualtrics questionnaire.
Multiple California State University campuses, including SF State, have again placed among the nation's top performers in economic mobility in CollegeNET's 2022 “Social Mobility index" (SMI). SF State was ranked #16 on the list, and seven other CSUs were in the top 20.
The annual SMI report measures the extent of a university's impact in providing opportunities for economically disadvantaged students to graduate into well-paying jobs. Methodology is based on factors like cost of attendance, economic background of the student body, graduation rates and early career salaries. This year's rankings also included a new metric called Ethos, measuring how well a school's messages and communications inform students and the public about its mission and the value of a college degree.
Academic Affairs is conducting a search for the College of Ethnic Studies dean. The position is to be filled by April 2023.
In March 2019 the Academic Senate revised search committee policy S19-180. A detailed committee roster, including the committee chair, complete position descriptions and application procedures, will be available on the Academic Affairs website.
Academic Affairs will be working with two senior consultants from Academic Search, Cynthia Patterson and Maria Thompson, and plans to have the profile available by Dec. 5. Once the profile is posted, you can go to the Academic Search website to apply.
The Search Committee members include:
- Cassandra Elizabeth Abregana-Reyes, Staff, College of Ethnic Studies Dean’s Office
- Andreana Clay, Professor, Chair, Sociology
- Jason Ferreira, Associate Professor, Race and Resistance Studies
- Melissa Guzman-Garcia, Assistant Professor, Latina/o Studies
- Ruby Hernandez, Undergraduate Student, Race and Resistance Studies
- Alex Hwu, Dean, College of Professional & Global Education
- Sabreen Imtair, Graduate Student, Ethnic Studies
- Mai-Nhung Le, Professor, Chair, Asian American Studies
- Mary Beth Love, Professor, Metro Academy
- John-Carlos Perea, Associate Professor, American Indian Studies
- Larry Salomon, Lecturer, Race and Resistance Studies
- Donela Wright, Assistant Professor, Africana Studies
The process to change the names of two College of Liberal & Creative Arts departments has concluded. The School of Humanities & Liberal Studies is now the School of Liberal Studies. Humanities has combined with the Department of Comparative and World Literature to form the Department of Humanities and Comparative World Literature (HumCWL).
For more information on either, please contact Liberal Studies Director Jose Acacio De Barros or HumCWL Chair Cristina Ruotolo.
A Technology Governance Committee (TGC) has officially kicked off at SF State, holding its first meeting on Thursday, Nov. 3. Sponsored by Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs Amy Sueyoshi and Chief Financial Officer and Vice President of Administration & Finance Jeff Wilson, the TGC is charged with empowering shared technology governance to identify and advocate for opportunities through leveraging limited campus technology resources in support of University strategic goals. The diverse membership of the TGC spans across campus, utilizing various voices to advise on policies, procedures and priorities for information technology at SF State. Assistant Vice President of Academic Technology Andrew Roderick in collaboration with Associate Vice President and Chief Information Officer (CIO) Nish Malik will serve as ex officio members to guide the TGC.
Are you interested in learning more about the TGC and how technology governance will impact campus? Check out the Technology Governance website, where you can find membership information, review the charter, leave feedback and more. The TGC looks forward to bringing shared governance to our community to empower technologies for our students, faculty and staff to better support SF State.
Through Wednesday, Nov. 23, the University will be collecting canned goods, non-perishables and hygiene items to support the Associated Students Gator Groceries program. Donation boxes are now available on the first, third and fourth floors of the Administration Building and the first floor of the Student Services Building. The list of goods Gator Groceries hopes to receive can be viewed online. Any donations that you make will help fill students’ basic needs.
If you have any questions or concerns, contact Victor Javier Aguilar at or Luis De Paz Fernandez at
The California State University International Programs (CSU IP) is pleased to announce the following opportunity for faculty. The 2024-2025 resident director application is available now. Learn more on the resident director application website. Applications are due to CSU International Programs by Dec. 31.
Resident directors in CSU IP are a key element in the success of the overseas centers where they are assigned. They contribute significantly to the quality of the educational experience of our students. It is essential that qualified individuals, from any discipline, be recommended for appointment to these positions. Former resident directors constitute an important source of support on each of the CSU campuses for promoting student participation in the International Programs and help to further the integration of the International Programs into the mainstream of each campus’ academic program. The appointments of resident directors should be viewed as part of the larger process of enhancing the international dimension of the CSU.
If you have any questions, please contact Director of International Programs Jaishankar Raman at (562) 951-4790.
The California State University system recruits faculty to serve as resident directors (RDs) at CSU IP sites in the following locations: France, Italy and Spain. These positions represent one of the best chances within the CSU to work and live for a year abroad. The Academic Council on International Programs (ACIP) invites applications for the role of resident director for 2024-2025 for France, Italy and Spain.
The resident director position provides onsite academic, administrative and fiscal supervision of an overseas study center under the direction of the Director of International Programs. A resident director of the California State University International Programs (CSU IP) is a full-time, tenured or tenure-track faculty member holding a teaching or administrative appointment on a CSU campus. The director of international programs appoints resident directors with the concurrence of the appointee’s campus administration. All resident director appointments are full-time 12-month appointments beginning Aug. 1 to July 31 unless noted otherwise. The faculty member continues to be a campus employee during the year they are abroad, and the campus pays the resident director.
Resident directors must be full-time, tenured or tenure-track faculty members holding a teaching or administrative appointment on a CSU campus, possess a terminal degree and have appropriate overseas experience. Faculty participating in the Faculty Early Retirement Program (FERP) are not full-time and therefore are not eligible.
Deadline to apply: Dec. 31. View the application online.
If you have any questions, please contact Jaishankar Raman, CSU director of international programs, at (562) 951-4790.
As you plan your holiday shopping activities, please be mindful that it is possible to receive scams via your phone through text messages. You are more at risk if you use your phone for online shopping with an online wallet or other financial transactions and tracking.
Text scams, known as “smishing,” are one of the most common tactics scammers use to steal personal information. Scammers text message scams all follow a similar pattern:
- You receive a text message from an unknown or “spoofed” number.
- The message tries to create a sense of urgency to motivate you to act quickly: respond, click on a link or call a number.
Text scammers typically have three goals in mind:
- Convince you to click on a link that will download malware onto your device.
- Direct you to phishing sites that steal your personal information.
- Prompting you to call them.
Any of these actions can result in immediate and long-term financial loss or identity theft.
Here’s what you can do to protect yourself from text message scams:
- Never click on links in unsolicited text messages.
- When in doubt, contact the company, agency or individual directly.
- Regularly check your credit report and bank statements.
- Remove your contact information from data broker lists.
- Consider signing up for identity theft protection.
Get more tips for avoiding text scammers on the Information Technology Services website.
Six talented SF State Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) students connected with industry professionals in San Diego during an invite-only STEM conference. Established in 1970, the MESA (Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement) program guides diverse students from underrepresented backgrounds into STEM education and careers. This year’s MESA Student Leadership Conference brought together hand-picked engineering and computer science students with industry to develop the next generation of STEM leaders. Held at the Marriott Mission Valley, Oct. 28 – 29, the conference challenged students to design a product or service (in about 30 hours) aimed at addressing a problem caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, which disproportionately impacts underserved communities.
At the conference, MESA students from dozens of California universities got the unique opportunity to interact one-on-one and in small groups with company executives, engineers and recruiters. Students networked, attended leadership and communications workshops in addition to the team challenge.
The Academic Senate will meet Tuesday, Nov. 15,from 2 to 4:30 p.m. virtually via Zoom for its sixth meeting of the academic year. Visitors who wish to attend please contact the senate office at for a Zoom link. The agenda includes:
- Informational item: The Division of Graduate Studies has merged with Career Services and is now known as the Division of Graduate Studies and Career Development (GSCD)
- Recommendation from Executive Committee: Resolution in Memoriam: A Tribute in Honor of Michael Ritter, Academic Senator, consent item.
- Recommendation from the Curriculum Review and Approval Committee: B.S./B.A. in Business (Distance Education Authorization, with eight concentrations), in second reading.
- Recommendation from the Curriculum Review and Approval Committee: B.A. in Economics (Distance Education Authorization), in second reading.
- Recommendation from the Curriculum Review and Approval Committee: Minor in Juvenile Justice, in second reading.
- Recommendation from the Curriculum Review and Approval Committee: Certificate in Comic Studies, in second reading.
- Recommendation from Academic Policies Committee: Online Education Policy, in first reading.
- Recommendation from Faculty Affairs Committee: Early Tenure Policy, in second reading.
- Recommendation from Faculty Affairs Committee: Tenure Density Policy, in first reading.
- Formal presentations from:
- Senator Robert Keith Collins, Senator Nancy C. Gerber and Senator Santhi Kavuri-Bauer: ASCSU Report. (Time approximate: 3:30-3:45 p.m.)
- CFO and Vice President of Administration & Finance Jeff Wilson and Executive Director of Budget Administration & Operations Elena Stoian: “2022-2023 Budget Review.” (Time approximate: 3:45-4:15 p.m.)
The full agenda, meeting materials and minutes can be found on the senate website.
Are your students thinking about going abroad after graduation or doing graduate work overseas? Let them know about the Fulbright U.S. Student Program! An online information session noon to 1 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 15, will detail how the program could send students abroad for an academic year in 2024 or thereafter.
The Fulbright U.S. Student Program funds study, research and creative projects in more than 140 countries and English Teaching Assistantships in about 75 countries. Visit the International Education Month website for more information or RSVP for a Zoom link.
The Department of Philosophy is delighted to announce the launch of a brand new SF State Philosophy tradition: Interview with Alumni. Each semester the department will invite one of its remarkable alumni to join a current graduate student in conversation. This semester, current graduate student Asia Baclay has agreed to interview graduate Rebeka Ferreira (M.A., 2012). The interview will take place over Zoom (with the hope that in future semesters interviews will move to an in-person format, followed by a reception).
Please join Asia and Rebeka on Wednesday, Nov. 16, from 1 to 2 p.m. via Zoom. The interview will span 45 minutes, to be followed by an audience Q&A. RSVP to for the Zoom link.
In observance of Trans Day of Remembrance 2022, Associated Students Queer & Trans Resource Center, Women’s Center, Safe Zone Ally Program and Health Promotion & Wellness are collaborating to raise awareness and advance a call to action to combat transphobia to foster safer environments and a healthy campus climate. Please join them for the following events on Thursday, Nov. 17:
Bystander Intervention Workshop Against Transphobia
2 – 4 p.m., LIB 121
Disrupt transphobia to help create healthier environments and promote a culture that does not tolerate sexual violence. Apply bystander intervention skills and put your allyship into practice when you encounter transphobic beliefs and behaviors. Hosted by Health Promotion & Wellness and Associated Students Queer & Trans Resource Center. RSVP via Zoom.
Trans Day of Remembrance Vigil
4:30 – 6 p.m., Malcolm X Plaza
Please join to honor the memory of our trans siblings who have been murdered as a result of transphobia. Organized by Associated Students Queer & Trans Resource Center, Women’s Center and Safe Zone Ally Program at SF State.
Persons with disabilities are welcome, and reasonable accommodations will be provided upon request. For questions or to request reasonable accommodations, please email
Center for Equity and Excellence in Teaching and Learning’s (CEETL) Fall 2022 Discussion Circles series concludes with “The Classroom as Community: Inclusive Pedagogies and Strengths-Based Teaching” on Wednesday, Nov. 30, from 10 to 11 a.m. in CEETL’s classroom, LIB 242. This discussion will be hosted by Faculty Director for Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) Kira Donnell. Register online to join this in-person discussion.
More about this session: Student diversity provides the opportunity for highlighting a multitude of perspectives and can create an environment for in-depth discussions and community building in the classroom. How can we better tap into the wealth of knowledge and experiences our students bring to the table? Contribute to the University’s collective genius as CEETL explores ways to foster inclusivity and belonging in teaching practices.
Visit the CEETL website to learn more about CEETL Discussion Circles.
The Alumni Associate invites you to a free virtual holiday cooking workshop hosted by Hospitality and Tourism Management Associate Professor Sybil Yang from 6 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 7, via Zoom. Learn how to make tasty sides (mac and cheese and homemade biscuits) that will beautifully complement the main dish! Of course, a meal would not be complete without dessert, so Yang will also show you how to make bourbon pecan pie. These savory and sweet dishes will ensure this year’s holiday season is a delicious one. Sign up on the Alumni & Friends Community website.
This winter, SF State staff alumni can take an afternoon break and join their colleagues and fellow alumni for Cocoa & Cookies 3 – 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 8, on the fifth floor patio of the Administration building. Enjoy mixing and mingling with fellow Gators and hear what’s new on campus. Health Promotion & Wellness will be on site taking donations for our students in need by collecting non-perishable grocery items or personal hygiene items. ’Tis the season! RSVP via Qualtrics to receive more info.
Professor Emeritus of Nursing Harvey “Skip” Davis passed away Oct. 7. Davis was a psychiatric nurse for more than 40 years and taught in SF State’s School of Nursing as the psychiatric nursing lead from 2004 to 2015. He received his Ph.D. in Nursing from the University of California, San Francisco in 2002 and specialized in the field of gero-psychiatric nursing and addiction recovery.
In addition to his work at SF State, Davis worked at the Haight Ashbury Free Clinic and the MPI Treatment Services at Summit Alta Bates in Oakland and was a valued member of the California Advocates for Nursing Home Reform board of directors. He was the author of a book on stages of change in opiate-addicted adults in a residential treatment program, co-author of numerous journal articles and a frequent presenter at national and international conferences.
His colleague Andrea Boyle, a former SF State School of Nursing faculty member, said, “Skip was a wonderful teacher, mentor, colleague and friend to many, including nursing faculty, staff and students.”
A new Nitrogen paper reports that wastewater improvements and reduction of ammonium (NH4+) may correlate with improved phytoplankton growth and function in the San Francisco Bay Delta. The project was led by Estuary and Ocean Science Center Research Professors Frances Wilkerson and Richard Dugdale and collaborators Alex Parker at CSU Maritime Academy and Pat Glibert at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science. Prior to the new plant in 2021, they hypothesized that the high level of nitrogen from ammonium was interfering with phytoplankton growth.
The new wastewater treatment plant (part of EchoWater Project) touts a 75% reduction in nitrogen and converts waste discharge into nitrate (NO3-), which promotes the growth of some phytoplankton. Although conditions appeared to improve months after implementation of the new plant, long-term studies are needed. The authors, led by Glibert, note that the findings should be considered in the context of recent droughts.
Assistant Professor of Nutrition and Dietetics Zubaida Qamar published with co-authors on “Creating a Culture that Supports Food Security and Health Equity at Higher Education Institutions” in the Public Health Nutrition journal. They highlight risk factors and impacts for college food insecurity and specify multidimensional approaches towards reaching health equity and food security at higher education institutions.
Three SF State administrators led a panel discussion at the Association for Ethnic Studies Conference held Nov. 3 – 5 at CSU Los Angeles. Associate Vice President for Equity and Community Inclusion Frederick Smith, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Amy Sueyoshi and Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Jamillah Moore presented “Ethical Care for Student Scholars: How Collaborations Between Ethnic Studies and Cultural Centers Cultivate Student Success.”
Kinesiology Professor and Chair Matt Lee won the 2022 Recognition Award at the American College of Sports Medicine Southwest Chapter annual meeting in Costa Mesa held Oct. 28 – 29.
At the same conference, Kinesiology Associate Professor Jimmy Bagley gave an invited lecture on “Skeletal Muscle Physiology” and led a symposium.
Chemistry and Biochemistry Associate Professor Misty Kuhn is one of eight winners of the 2022 Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards. A $75,000 unrestricted research grant, the award honors young chemical sciences faculty who have created an outstanding independent body of scholarship and are deeply committed to education with undergraduates.
American Indian Studies Lecturer Roger Kuhn and Landa Lakes presented “On Two Spirit Identity and Cultural Expression” on Nov. 10. The virtual lecture, presented by the California Institute of Integral Studies, explored Native American ideas on gender, cultural expression and art as a platform for — and a pathway to — activism.
Amy Dorie, associate professor of Apparel Design and Merchandising, was recognized for innovative teaching at the International Textile and Apparel Association 2022 annual conference in Denver. Dorie won the second-place award in the Nancy Rutherford Teaching Challenge for her work to engage students equitably in a costume history course.
Dorie and Sheila Bostic (M.A., ’22) gave a presentation on the project “Artisan Sewing Workshops for Previously Unhoused Youth” at the conference.
Kinesiology Professor Susan G. Zieff was an invited participant in the National Institutes of Health Conference on Global Health Reciprocal Innovations, held Oct. 24 – 26. Zieff presented her research on Sunday Streets SF, an initiative that transforms miles of streets into car-free community spaces for the general public. Her research is a case study of sustainability, scalability and success through public-private partnerships.
Imagine meeting your coworkers for the first time on a beach in Spain. That was the case at expense software company Expensify, which recently sent employees and their families on a lavish working vacation to Spain.
In a Nov. 8 San Francisco Chronicle story, Professor Emeritus of Management Mitchell Marks discussed the value of any offsite work retreat from his expertise as an organizational psychologist.
“Different setting, different solutions. … People seem to be nicer in person than they are online,” Marks said. “It is a chance to really see human beings as human beings.”
On Nov. 3, KGO-TV interviewed Daniel Vencill, professor emeritus of Economics, for his perspectives on what led to the recent layoffs in the Bay Area’s technology industry.
“This is a deliberately created recession created by the Federal Reserve Bank. That is the only way we can end inflationary expectations,” he said. “It’s just one of the tragedies of a monetary and fiscal policy. We have the tools, but it’s like using a shotgun to kill a mosquito. It’s too bad it’s the only tool in our arsenal.”