News and Announcements

At a March 19 event in the J. Paul Leonard Library, seven SF State faculty and staff members came together to discuss their new books. sponsored by the Academic Senate and the Center for Equity and Excellence in Teaching (CEETL), the reading featured:
- “Teaching Climate Science in the Elementary Classroom: A Place-Based, Hope-Filled Approach to Understanding Earth’s Systems” by Elementary Education Professor Stephanie Sisk-Hilton
- “The Self-Regulated Eater: Trust Your Body, Trust Yourself, Transform Your Eating” by Associate Professor of Kinesiology Nicole Bolter and her mother, clinical psychologist Kay Bolter
- “Dressing à la Turque: Ottoman Influence on French Fashion, 1670 – 1800” by Librarian Kendra Van Cleave
- “Sexualizing Cancer: HPV and the Politics of Cancer Prevention” by Public Health Professor Laura Mamo
- “Noguchi and Greece, Greece and Noguchi: Objects of Common Interest,” which features an article by Design Professor and Graduate Studies Coordinator Hsiao-Yun Chu
- “The Bilingual Advantage in Executive Functioning Hypothesis: How the Debate Provides Insight into Psychology’s Replication Crisis” by Psychology Professor Kenneth Paap
- “Kabbalah and Literature” by Jewish Studies Professor and Chair Kitty Millet
The event also included a tasting of offerings from Kaveri Coffee, a woman-owned, third-generation coffee roaster, as well as a visit from SF State President Lynn Mahoney.
Please visit the CEETL website to learn about upcoming events.

According to the most recent data from the National Center for Education Statistics, the six-year graduation rate for U.S. college students is 64%. That means more than a third of students don’t finish their degrees within six years of starting college.
That’s a lot of dreams put on hold. And it’s why SF State’s College of Professional & Global Education (CPaGE) has launched three new online degree completion programs that make it easier than ever for former students to get back on the path to graduation.
Created in collaboration with SF State’s Lam Family College of Business, College of Science & Engineering and College of Health & Social Sciences, the online programs — for bachelor’s degrees in Business Administration, Criminal Justice Studies and Psychology — will begin in the fall. Anyone with 60 college credits can enroll, no matter what their previous major was or what school they attended. Applications for the Business Administration and Criminal Justice Studies programs are currently being accepted, with a deadline of Monday, April 15.
The Psychology program began accepting applications earlier this spring and quickly filled to capacity — an indication of the demand for online degree completion, which accommodates the busy schedules of former students looking to further their careers with the power of a bachelor’s degree.
“Research shows lifetime earnings for college degree-holders are up to 41% higher than for those with just an associate’s degree, and up to 52% higher than those with only some college credits under their belt,” said Eugene Sivadas, dean of the Lam Family College of Business, citing a study by the Center on Education and the Workforce. “So completing their degrees fully online is a fast, easy and effective way for former students to significantly boost their earning potential.”
The online courses — such as “Starting a Small Business” in the Business Administration program, “Crime, Data and Analysis” in the Criminal Justice Studies program and “Future Directions for Psychology Majors” in the Psychology program — will be taught by SF State professors. Students will have access to a CPaGE online success coach as well as advising from faculty program directors. Financial aid is also available to those who qualify.
“This is a great opportunity for anyone who had to interrupt their educational journey,” said CPaGE Dean Alex Hwu. “Thanks to the flexible online options this program makes possible, former students can continue their journey — all the way to a degree.”

The Office of Human Resources invites all SF State employees to attend the CSU’s Got Talent webcast on Tuesday, April 16, 10 – 11 a.m, via Zoom. Tim Scudder, author and founder of Core Strengths, presents “Relationship Intelligence: How Relationships Really Work and Why Your Future Depends on Your RQ.”
Photo by Matthew Lester
SF State provides an environment for freedom of expression, as well as a forum for ideas, perspectives and viewpoints to be stated and questioned, as well as tested and clarified. SF State endeavors to ensure that the exercise of the right of free expression does not imperil public safety, obstruct or damage University facilities, or interfere with the University’s educational mission and functions. To this end, freedom of expression at SF State is subject to reasonable restrictions of time, place and manner. For more information, please refer to the campus Time, Place and Manner policy.
The University seeks campus feedback for a new practice directive aimed to clarify where and how solicitation activities performed by non-campus-affiliated persons can be conducted.
Please review the draft Solicitation Practice Directive and provide feedback by Friday, May 10.
Colleges, departments, student groups and clubs can list their graduation celebrations on the Commencement website and app.
In an asynchronous course from Academic Technology (AT), instructors will scaffold, reinforce and reimagine Canvas courses to streamline and organize content in dynamic ways.
AT’s Teaching and Learning with Technologies and Services teams constructed this course as a blueprint for elevating instructors’ Canvas courses from a starter home to a dream home by providing insights, resources and peer discussion opportunities on course redesign.
Now is the ideal time for a student to beginning planning for studying abroad in spring 2025. Before students select their classes for the fall semester, SF State Abroad recommends that students identify their top two to three programs for spring 2025 and determine course availability abroad and at SF State.
Students are encouraged to attend an information meeting to receive help getting started. They can watch a recorded session on YouTube, attend in-person every Wednesday at 2 p.m. in Building C of the Village at Centennial Square (next to U.S. Bank), or RSVP for the Zoom session every Friday at 2 p.m.
Study abroad applications are open for spring 2025. The priority deadline is Sunday, Sept. 15. Applications are open and live now if students want to start applying!
The SF State Academic Senate will meet Tuesday, April 9, 2 – 5 p.m., at Seven Hills and via Zoom for its 11th meeting of the academic year. To attend, please email the Senate office for a Zoom link.
- Recommendation from the Educational Policies Council: Revision to S22-255 Requirements for Baccalaureate Degrees, Majors, Concentrations, Minors and Certificates, in second reading.
- Recommendation from the Academic Policies Committee: revision to S23-257 Course Syllabus Policy, in second reading.
- Recommendation from the Academic Policies Committee: Revision to S21-296 Curriculum and Course Standards Policy, in second reading.
- Recommendation from the Campus Curriculum Committee: Graduate Certificate in Decision Sciences – new, in second reading
- Recommendation from the Executive Committee: Resolution in Support of the SF State Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) Program, consent item
- Certificate in Spanish/English Interpretation (Legal/Court): discontinuance, informational item
- Correction of a typographical error in S20-145, informational item
- Recommendation from the Academic Policies Committee: New Policy – Research, Scholarship and Creative Activities Pathways Policy, in first reading.
- Recommendations from the Campus Curriculum Committee, in first reading:
- Minor, Russian (name and other changes)
- Certificate in Financial Analytics (new)
- Certificate in Real Estate (new)
- Certificate in Fintech (new)
- Certificate in Data Science for Biotechnology Professionals (new)
- Certificate in Business Analytics (new)
- Certificate in Paralegal Studies (reduce by 20%)
- Graduate Certificate in PK – 12 Climate Justice Education (new)
- Certificate in Autism Studies (name change)
- The Academic Senate will hear a formal presentation from CSU Board of Trustees Faculty Trustee Darlene Yee-Melichar. Approximate time: 3:15 p.m.
In honor of Gold Star families, Professor of Cinema and Veteran Documentary Corps (VDC) Director Daniel Bernardi along with his team are screening three films for free through Tuesday, April 30. VDC honors the sacrifice of Gold Star families by telling a few of their stories.
To support the work of VDC, please subscribe for free to El Dorado Films on YouTube.

Monday, April 8, marks your last chance to view a solar eclipse for the next 20 years. From 10:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. if skies are clear, student docents from the SFSU Observatory will provide special solar viewing equipment on the Quad and on the plaza in front of Thornton Hall. It is very important to never look directly at the sun.
During this eclipse, the moon will spend a leisurely two hours passing across the face of the sun. As viewed from San Francisco, about one-third of the sun will be blocked by the moon at maximum eclipse, which will occur at about 11:13 a.m.
Curious about artificial intelligence (AI) and what it might mean for students? Generative AI has become a topic of interest in the popular media, business and at colleges across the country. ChatGPT and other emerging AI tools are quickly evolving and are soon to become vital in professional and personal environments.
Through Academic Technology, learn about types of AI, ethics, AI tools, appropriate usage and the “stoplight” method. A virtual workshop will be held Tuesday, April 9, 2 – 3 p.m. An in-person workshop takes place Thursday, April 25, 2 – 3 p.m., in Library 121.
Visit the Academic Technology website for more information and to register.
The Department of Philosophy presents a talk with Sophie Archer of Cardiff University and Joseph Schear of Oxford University on Tuesday, April 9, at 2:30 p.m. in Humanities 587. They will give a presentation of their paper “How Can Reason be Natural?” A reception will follow with refreshments including baklava, dolmas and hummus.
Abstract: Most philosophers want an understanding of our rational animality, our responsiveness to reasons as reasons, to be understood as a natural phenomenon. But how can it be understood as such? Our aim in this talk is first to formulate and sharpen this question. We think McDowell’s appeal to “second nature” to ease the seeming tension between rational freedom and nature, and his accompanying “transformative” conception of human mindedness, is attractive in many respects. But it is ultimately an unsatisfying approach. But what’s better? We propose to investigate some alternative options.
For more information and to RSVP, please email the Philosophy Department.
The Center for Equity and Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CEETL) holds GWAR Second Wednesdays Brown Bags on April 10 and May 8, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., in Library 242. These open forums are intended to discuss challenges and opportunities as they unfold across the semester.
CEETL will provide resources in assignment redesigns, grading and teaching with artificial intelligence. Faculty members teaching Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR) courses are encouraged to drop by. No RSVP necessary. Drinks and light snacks will be provided. A $50 honorarium will be awarded to all faculty participants for each session.
For more information, please email Kasturi Ray and CEETL.
The Center for Equity and Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CEETL) holds its monthly WE Wednesday event April 10, 1 – 2 p.m., in Library 240.
Faculty members are invited to join CEETL’s first pet therapy session to ease mid-semester stress. The San Francisco Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals will provide the animals. No RSVP required. Please drop in to connect with peers and meet some therapy animals.
Expand your generative artificial intelligence (AI) toolkit. Join Academic Technology on Thursday, April 11, 2:30 – 4 p.m., in Library 280 for “Beyond Chatbots: GenAI Images, Voice, Meetings.”
This hands-on workshop harnesses the power of GenAI for image creation, video transcription and virtual meeting support. It is recommended for both beginners and advanced users and offers an opportunity to elevate GenAI skills in a supportive environment.
As the end of the academic year approaches, the Peer2Peer program and the greater SF State community wishes to express their deepest gratitude to their mentors. Their unwavering commitment and passion have influenced the lives of thousands of students and have been crucial to Peer2Peer’s success. The program will host a pizza party to honor these exceptional individuals on Friday, April 12, noon – 1:30 p.m., on the fifth-floor patio of the Administration building.
A training, “Countering Islamophobia: Strategies for Intersectional Allyship,” will be held Friday, April 12, noon – 2 p.m., at the University Club, Cesar Chavez Student Center.
Please RSVP via Google Forms. For questions, please email Sara Alhanich.
Staff are invited to the next Staff Forum on Wednesday, April 17, 10 – 11 a.m., via Zoom. All campus staff, except Management Personnel Plan (MPP) and faculty, are encouraged to attend.
Hosted by Human Resources, this forum includes a cybersecurity incident after-report, event scheduling at SF State and a report on the Seal of Excelencia, among other updates and an open forum for Human Resources questions.
View past presentations via Box.
The last spring 2024 Staff Forum is on Wednesday, May 15.
The University Budget Committee (UBC) invites campus employees to attend its next meeting on Thursday, April 18, 10 a.m. – noon, via Zoom.
Agenda items include a campus budget update, indirect cost policy workgroup discussion, Multi-Year Budget Realignment Advisory Committee discussion and Academic Affairs budgeting process.
Members of UBC are staff, faculty, students and administrators. UBC members who are staff and faculty offer peer-hosted “Office Hours” on Fridays after the meetings.
Please RSVP for the meeting and/or office hours by emailing the UBC.
SF State Transforms invites all faculty and staff to join in celebrating the conclusion to its four-year National Science Foundation ADVANCE Project on Thursday, April 18, noon – 1 p.m. in Library 242. It features a space for faculty to connect and discussions on the impact of scholarship hubs, the Promoting Equity and Relationships among Colleagues program, equity in service focus and plans for continuation. Lunch will be served.
For more information, please email Ilse Gonzalez.
The College of Science & Engineering (CoSE) and College of Professional & Global Education (CPaGE) present an international coffee hour on Thursday, April 18, noon – 1 p.m., in the Teaching and Learning Commons (Library 286).
Please stop by for some light refreshments and learn about CoSE’s School of the Environment and Climate HQ. This event occurs twice each semester and is organized by the All University Committee on International Programs (an Academic Senate committee).
The event aims to connect international and internationally minded faculty, administrators and staff about international programs and global issues. CPaGE will provide refreshments.
An ally training, “Understanding Jewish Identity and Antisemitism,” will be held Friday, April 19, noon – 2 p.m., at the University Club, Cesar Chavez Student Center.
Please RSVP via Google Forms. For questions, please email Danille Hoffer.
Human Resources, through SF State’s partnership with LifeMatters, continues its virtual presentations on many topics to benefit employees and their families. The campus community is invited.
“Managing Multiple Priorities” takes place Friday, May 10, followed by “Personal Resilience” on Friday, June 7; “Elder Care Tips/Resources for Caregivers” on Friday, June 14; and more. All will be 11 a.m. – noon.
SF State Spotlight
Melissa Camacho, professor of Broadcast and Electronic Communication Arts, traveled to Cluj-Napoca, Romania, during spring break to lecture on U.S. politics, media and Donald Trump at Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai’s College of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences.
Among the topics discussed were Trump’s media strategies during the 2016 presidential campaign, his relationship with journalists while he was in office and the unique dilemmas that journalists face approaching the 2024 campaign season.
Assistant Professor of Cinema Mihaela Mihailova spoke to The Guardian for a March 29 article about the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies on video game actors and the video game industry.
She predicts that AI will have an immediately negative impact on the video game industry.
“Most of this tech is still not nearly as artistically capable or error-free as its coverage would have us believe, so we are about to see some truly bizarre/blatantly inferior creations. The rush to use AI and capitalize on its novelty and hype means that both quality control and creative thinking will be sacrificed by studios attempting to look cutting-edge while simultaneously cutting costs,” Mihailova said. “The misguided belief that AI tools, in their current form, are already capable of fully replacing and/or automating skilled human labor is emboldening studios to OK mass layoffs. This is already catastrophic for the video game workforce, but it will soon prove catastrophic for the quality of video games produced in this climate.”
As part of the New Orleans Poetry Festival this month, Creative Writing Assistant Professor Tonya M. Foster will participate in the Roof Book Group reading and a panel discussion on poetry and environmental justice.
Foster holds the George and Judy Marcus Endowed Chair in Poetry.
On April 3, the San Francisco Examiner reviewed the Fine Arts Gallery exhibition “Reflecting on Ruth Asawa and the Garden of Remembrance.” The exhibition, which closed April 6, reflects on the legacy of Japanese American incarceration during World War II with new works by five artists.
“Overall, ‘Reflecting on Ruth Asawa’ is as richly historical as it is poignantly personal,” Max Blue wrote in the Examiner. “The monumental nature of the exhibition is struck through by the consistently quiet and contemplative quality of the artworks, which are as reverent in their execution as Asawa’s original garden.”